Hello people,
My name is Su-Yen.
Or I could also be Yennie or Yen.
I am seventeen going on a hundred.
I like long walks and country sides.
I like the smell of rain and trees.
This is my blog, Though I'm not sure what it's actually for.
Maybe I want attention. Like yay! x)
No seriously, maybe I do.
Tuesday, 6 July 2010!
LAMENTED AT; 12:10 am
There's always tomorrow.
I like that. For a fifteen year old who started blogging, I must say i had some wise wisdom. Who knew that three years down the track, I'd actually help my older self.
The fact is, no one of us can ever lose hope if we believe that there is always tomorrow. You can be miserable where you are, but as long as you keep my humble blog name in mind, you're pretty much optimistic.
It's interesting to wonder what advice you'd give yourself if you could go back in time. What warnings and encouragement you'd tell you if you met you for just a brief moment. it could be as remedial as telling yourself not to fall for someone... or telling yourself to fall for someone... hey, the list is endless ain't it?
But you know, what really matters while we grow up is not the situations that take us by the throat and potentially threaten to push us off balance. But rather, how we deal with these situations that make us who we are. For that, would it be the same if we were to advice ourselves not to do something or to do something way back when? Then, we'd not KNOW for sure the right path, we'd just HEAR about it and that's not enough.
I've always refrained from writing anything personal here, simply because i'm not going to ever filter who reads what i type on this little screen of mine. Like right now i'm thinking of something else, but am completely talking around the issue.
I have yet again managed to confuse myself.
I amaze me. yay!