Hello people,
My name is Su-Yen.
Or I could also be Yennie or Yen.
I am seventeen going on a hundred.
I like long walks and country sides.
I like the smell of rain and trees.
This is my blog, Though I'm not sure what it's actually for.
Maybe I want attention. Like yay! x)
No seriously, maybe I do.
Sunday, 16 May 2010!
LAMENTED AT; 7:08 pm
Every Little Thing..
Today... I came to realise that there is a lot of wild life right where I live!
I mean, I knew there was wild life - I'd seen it, probably heard it and smelt it too; but today was just one of those days where I
really noticed it. I also come to realise that it is these small things that make me happy. :) For instance...
On the road intersecting one of the gate entries, I see a family of
ducks crossing happily and waddling away like they own the place.
As I pass the moat and cross the bridge, I see a few more ducks waddling in the water oblivious that they are right smack in the middle of a densely populated university in Melbourne.
Then... You keep walking and on the curb approaching the main bus stops, you see all sort of shit on the ground. You look up.. and there you see a few dozen
Cockatoos up in the trees and if you're lucky a few on the ground pecking away at invisible food on the floor.
I've also seen a
kangaroo (i kid you not) once crossing one of the roads. aahh, cute little creatures.
Life's pretty alright here. I miss home a lot, and every time I look at the sky and see a plane I think of how happy I'll be getting on that flight home. When the plane passes I see the open sky and the stars that dot it... then I realise how happy I am being here where I can actually see stars. Trust me, the little things in life are worth thinking about. ;)
Shall attempt to take some pictures of campus next time. Till then!
Monday, 10 May 2010!
LAMENTED AT; 10:00 pm
I've realised my blog has become a place of emotional refuge these few months.
Long posts are so easily thought of, I usually just dump all my thoughts at the end of the month here. I shall instead work on writing some simple, few worded entries.
cut out all the fluff and get straight to the point. soon. If you're reading this now, thanks for occasionally thinking of me and clicking on my link.
Love always,
Yenniiieee.p/s: everyone here doesn't know i have a blog and i will keep it that way. :)