Hello people,
My name is Su-Yen.
Or I could also be Yennie or Yen.
I am seventeen going on a hundred.
I like long walks and country sides.
I like the smell of rain and trees.
This is my blog, Though I'm not sure what it's actually for.
Maybe I want attention. Like yay! x)
No seriously, maybe I do.
Sunday, 25 January 2009!
LAMENTED AT; 8:18 pm
Hello half abandoned blog! I am sorry I've left you alone for so long. I've been doing a lot of thinking lately. And I just haven't found it in me to tell you about my life - Even though it consistently lacks action and juicy gossip.
But anywho, school has been busy like anything and I've been running around like a crazy person, Finding myself rushing to finish my homework at 12am and waking up extra early to pack my bags etc.
But hey, what's a girl to do? The resolution I have made about actually completing my homework properly has kept a tight leish on my schedule. even though i might complain about being busy, there is this sick twisted part of me deep down inside whom actually likes it. I'd rather have more things to do than less, Frankly speaking.
Chinese New Year's tomorrow, and well. It's just coming. You know you're growing old when christmas and chinese new year stop exciting you and you treat it like any regular day but with more food and peple around. ho hummm.
NEW NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTION EVERYONE!!!I want to be able to tie a cherry stalk in a knot in my mouth by the end of this year! :DAnd for now, wikiHow shall be my guide.
- Be careful not to choke on your cherry stem or pit.
- Do not let children under the age of 7 do this. Because of choking hazard!
Random I know, But I've just decided. (;
I will be an expert cherry stalk knotter.
Just watch!
Sunday, 4 January 2009!
LAMENTED AT; 11:04 am
Two thousand and nine
I am looking forward to school.I am looking forward to school. I am looking forward to school. I am looking forward to school.I am looking forward to school. I am looking forward to school. I am looking forward to school.I am looking forward to school. I am looking forward to school. I am looking forward to school.I am looking forward to school. I am looking forward to school.
Oh yes I am!
I'm trying to convince myself anyways.
Just one more year, no?
Anyways, since I haven't been blogging, I shall tell you what I did during the holidays.
*smacks own head with book repeatedly* ._.
p.s: Don't ask. very depressing.
Suyen's New Year Resolutions (2009)
Stick to new year's resolutions
stop biting nails. :(
Do homework properly. Be consistent!
pay attention in class and not get distracted. Sleep earlier.
let go and just go for it.
Read more
The rest I dare not write here because of new year's resolution #1. I'll let you know at the end of the year If I've achieved them though.
over the edge and just breathless,
I'd never thought that I'd catch this,
love bug again.
P.s: I like lovebug and there's nothin you can do about it! haaaaaahh